CANTIENICA® Online Training in English

You ask, I answer.
Benita Cantieni
Beiträge: 3148
Registriert: 22. Januar 2009, 08:07

CANTIENICA® Online Training in English

Beitrag von Benita Cantieni »

Grab the chance. Catch the opportunity. Join the online program today!

An easy yet thorough program of exercises for the whole body. Flexibility, strength, resilience, and wellbeing from the core. 

The core in CANTIENICA® training means: from the bones. Each exercise first sorts the bones and so reaches all muscles, all fascia, all tendons, all ligaments. Literally.


A program of 7 exercises for week one to five
Each program builds on the previous sequences
The 35 exercises form a perfect 1 hour training for sustainable health
Week 6 explains how to integrate the new posture with the new patterns of movement in every day life

This life changing program adds ease, poise, lightness, and attitude into your fitness routine.

Here's what Kasia from Finnland says about the Online seminar, she's the busy Mum of five children:

"I absolutely LOVE Cantienica! This training makes you feel, move and look younger. Every movement of your body becomes a source of joy and relaxation. With this online training program you don't need any special equipment or space - you can exercise anytime you want. As an important bonus you learn to understand your body, to be aware of its needs much more and to see how treating your body gently gives peace and serenity to your soul as well. I recommend Cantienica to everyone: young and old, healthy and ailing. If you want to enjoy your everyday life more, give it a try!"

Go for it. You'll meet me with in many exclusive videos – introduction, special instructions, Q&A's and other useful training tools for instant results.
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